Season 4, Episode 7: Side Effects of a Mad Woman

Real Housewives of Bel-Air
18 min readJun 27, 2024


L to R: Gaby James, Zara Carringtion, Cash Clarke, Ciara Shean, Kaydee Kimes & Riley Cooper

The episode begins, Upbeat music plays. We get mini scenes from the ladies, Kaydee is seen checking out baby toys for her grandchild, Cash is seen outside trying to set up dinner with Steven, Gaby is seen running around with her children as her husband watches.

The camera zooms in onto Kehlani; She’s seen stepping out of her car and walking into the restaurant.

Kehlani: Table for three please. She smiles.

Kehlani’s Confessional

Something about this whole situation with Ciara & Toni has been worrying me out, so now I’m here to get to the bottom of it.

Riley steps out of black SUV, as Riley is seen walking in.

Riley: Oh, this is nice. She spots Kehlani. Hey — gorgeous!

Kehlani: Hey! You are looking good. She looks up from her phone.

Riley: So do you, loving this fit.

Riley’s Confessional

So glad that me, Ciara, and Kehlani are hanging out again since Atlanta, it was absolute hell, never again.

Kehlani: We have some things to discuss I hope you know.

Riley: We do? I know you guys met up, but I wasn’t available.

Kehlani: Yes, we did. Sad you missed it. But I did reveal to Cash that you knew this information and she was kind of pissed that you didn’t tell her.

Riley: Uhm, I did — but what I didn’t know is that it was even about Cash, i was told Toni & Ciara was saying something about me, but I didn’t believe it because I didn’t think Ciara would do that to me.

Kehlani: Wait. What? What are you saying? Are you saying they tried to drug you too?

Riley: Yes, that’s what I was told — my “friend” Jacari told me, and I didn’t take it in, because it wasn’t something that should’ve been said, and I never brought it up to Toni nor Ciara, because I thought it might’ve been just gossip, and it could destroy my reputation by even entertaining them type of allegations.

Riley’s Confessional

The information that I was told by my “friend” — was that Ciara, and Toni were planning on drugging me, and someone else in the group, I had no clue it would be about Cash, then when Ciara brought it up in Atlanta, I remember and put that pieces together.

Kehlani: Well Ciara is on the way, so we need to ask her this once she gets here! Because the information I was told — I was told she had nothing to do with this.

Kehlani’s Confessional

How did It go from all Toni trying to get Cash, now it’s Toni & Ciara tried to get Riley? What the hell! Did these women not sign the red ribbon in elementary school?

Riley: It’s better we put an end to this nonsense once she gets here, because it can destroy everyone character.

Ciara is seen walking into the restaurant, she sneaks to sit down and removes her glasses.

Ciara: Hi. TMZ was outside.

Riley: Oh what are they doing here — Hey gorgeous.

Ciara: Hey Riley, are we in a calm setting today? I’d really like to talk…

Kehlani: Being with us is the calmest it’s going to get — until it’s not.

Riley: Yes, we definitely need to talk — but we are always calm.

Ciara: Ok. I just wanted to let you both know… That I had nothing to do with this insanity.

Riley: Ok..So! What I was told was the opposite. But this had nothing to do with Cash, herself.

Ciara: Riley what are you saying? Are you lost or something… Toni tried to drug Cash.

Riley sighs; And she begins to speak.

Riley: So, basically my friend — she told me that you, and Toni tried to drug me and someone else in the group, I let it go because it wasn’t a conversation that needed to be had — I don’t think you out of all people would do that to me, then when you brought up Toni saying the things about Cash, it put me into perspective.

Ciara: First off. I HAD NOTHING TO FUCKING DO WITH THIS! I don’t want my name in the mix!

Riley: It’s no need to holler at me, You can take this up with. A name that gets blurted out. Not me — I was told this information, never said it was true.

Ciara: But I’m telling you! I had nothing to do with this! I’d never drug anyone, that’s not me!

Kehlani: Ok, so where is Toni. Have you spoken to her? It’s not the end… We need to get to the bottom of this.

Ciara: I haven’t spoken to Toni in a full MONTH.

Kehlani: Well she is most definitely speaking to you.

We show footage of a tweet via Toni’s tweet (thetonicarter) on twitter.

Toni’s Tweet

Kehlani: Did you see that?

Ciara: Look Kehlani. We just got cool so I don’t need u grilling me.

Kehlani: Grilling? We are in the federal court of law! You need to testify against her so we can send her to jail.

Kehlani’s Confessional

What do you mean I’m grilling you? This has something to do with DRUGS!

Ciara: What do I need to testify? It was all Toni! I knew the information I just never told!

Kehlani: And you don’t think that makes you look suspicious?

Ciara: She was my closets friend! Why tell what she told me, she didn’t do it!

Kehlani: Ciara, you sound INSANE — I wasn’t there that night in Vegas, but this information was brought to me, clearly somebody is out for you ladies.

Riley: Ok ladies, calm down don’t forget we are still in a public place.

Ciara: Kehlani is being a bitch! How much information do I have to draw blood and give you!

Kehlani: You don’t have to do a DAMN THING! If you are around these women and planning to drug them that’s a major fucking problem! Is your divorce settlement making you dumb? Less money Less knowledge?

Ciara: Don’t you dare talk about my marriage when yours could even last a full moon! I’m not obligated to give you any fucking information even if I had some.

Kehlani: Girl. She laughs. Here, Riley talk to your friend and put some sense into here. She puts 100 dollars on the table. Tip & Meal is on me. She grabs purse and heads to car.

Kehlani’s Confessional

I’m going to save her from these words; I’m just going to pay for her meal and go on about my lovely day.

Ciara: Toodles! You have plus one information! You are not needed.

Riley: I can’t do this. She gets up. I’m going to leave, we’ll all talk soon.

Ciara: Riley run like you always do! Fucking seriously! Run right behind your friend!

Riley: Ciara, excuse me? Wow! Wow, how dare you, I am not running after anyone, I am sick of the fighting, we are supposed to be friends, and all we do is fight in this group, and sometimes it’s wearing.

Ciara: Well, you know what! She slams her hand on the table. Riley leave the fucking group! It’s the dynamic! I’ve fought almost of all these women for a year straight! Get tough skin!

Riley: I am SICK of the fighting! So sick of this shit with you, so sick of it! We are DONE, goodbye.

Ciara: Oh really? I’m the person who’s had your back for the LONGEST! Even when Zara was fucking the man you’re were a mistress to you! — I said I had NOTHING to do with this! And you guys are choosing not to believe that! Screw you both!

Riley: WHAT! Have you lost your MIND! She points in Ciara’s face. Zara is a grown woman, I could care less what she does — this is such a piece of garbage.

Rikey points her hand in Ciara’s face; Ciara grabs her hand and moves it out of her face.


Riley: I CAN STAND UP FOR MYSELF! She pushes Ciara’s hand.

Ciara: You will not touch me Riley Cooper! Goodbye. You said it WE ARE DONE! Weak BITCH! She gets in car.

Riley: Really, that bitch is crazy!

The scene comes to a close; We get a shot at the table showing a water spilled over the table.

Upbeat music plays. The scene changes — We get shots of the Bel-Air neighborhood cars driving by, We land on the top of Bel-Air where we zoom onto Zara’s home.

The camera are seen getting shots of the home; Zara is seen holding her newborn in the living area.

Zara & Baby Z
Zara’s Confessional

So, I have Cash & Lola, two unproblematic women coming over. I want to make sure cash okay, because the last time we’ve seen each other they tried her character…. AGAIN. And I like Lola, she seems like a good friend to cash.

Cash & Lola

Cash: Knock Knock! She says as she and walks into the home and spots Zara. Omg! Look at you and aunties babyyy! He is so precious.

Zara: Thank you! She smiles. How are yall doing? Come in.

Cash: I’m doing a lot better thank you. My stuff seems so small though.. Can we sit?

Lola: Thank you so much for inviting me over Zara your house is beautiful by the way.

Zara: Of course. She smiles. Whew! What’s going on with y’all ladies?

Cash: Are you enjoying being a new mommy?

Zara: Thank you! And yes I am. Even if it’s alone at times. She smiles and nods at Cash.

Cash: Well I actually wanted to check in with you Zara because I’m seeing online that you’re getting divorced… I mean that’s not true is it?

Lola and Cash looks at Zara who is hesitant to answer.

Lola: Oh no hopefully the blogs are lying.

Zara: Well…. It is true unfortunately.

Cash: Oh, no. Oh no.. Aww Zara!

Lola: Oh my I’m so sorry to hear that hopefully things can change you know you two just had a baby and all.

Zara: Thank you. It’s for the best. He was all for it and just wasn’t here like he was supposed to. And he was upset about the Maverick situation, but me and Maverick were doing business deals.

Zara’s Confessional

Zayn just wants to get his way all the time and I’ve had it. I filed for divorce. I just don’t want to be tied down to a wall barrier. He’s holding me back and it’s time for me to live.

The camera turns onto Cash who is in shock of the news.

Cash: I can’t believe this Maverick thing is even a thing. She rolls her eyes. He just lost an amazing woman! Don’t you ever forget that.

Zara: Thank you… I also found out news that Zayn wasn’t being truthfully honest. He was sleeping with one of his assisted nurses…. So, I may have done something. She looks at them both.

Lola: Did you get that bitch fired from her job?

Cash: Oh? Something like? She squints her eyes.

Suspenseful music plays as the girls all look around at each other.

Zara: I told Zayn that he was not the father..

The ladies are seen looking at each other in shock; Cash covers her mouth.

Cash: Is that true?

Zara is seen nodding her head, agreeing with her statement.

Cash: Zara! Omg. Have you known this for a while?

Zara: I knew for a few months after we found out I was pregnant.

Zara’s Confessional

Producer: What is going on?

Zara: Zayn cheated on me multiple times while married. I was faithful and at home. So I seek revenge. Unfortunately, not really, I got knocked up. She shrugs and evil smiles.

Cash’s Confessional

Her life is a fucking soap opera. She was made for reality tv.

The camera cuts back to the ladies; They are now seen looking at each other in silence.

Cash: I am flabbergasted right now. — Zara you are like my sister so I’m here for you and baby Z. 100 percent!

Zara: Thank you girl. I really appreciate it. I trusted yall that’s why I wanted to be honest before it gets out to blogs.

Lola: Everything going to be alright girly stuff happens we’re all human.

Cash: Awwww we love you! She hugs Zara. Group hug?!

The ladies are seen hugging each other; Confronting one another, the scene fades away.

Upbeat music is heard in the background as we see transition. We see people walking with shopping bags in their hands, We see Cash getting out of the car heading inside of The Carter Lounger; We get shots of the lounge.

Cash: Hi may I have a table for two? No menus because this should be nice and short, no plans to smoke and eat. She smiles.

Cash’s Confessional

I’m not sure if Riley was trying to keep her spot by having “loyalty” to Toni and Ciara, but what she did was fucked up and now I’m here to discuss her shady ways.

Cash is seen on her phone, scrolling, waiting for Riley; 10 minutes later Riley is seen walking into the restaurant.

Riley is seen walking, and sitting down.

Riley: Hello Cash.

Riley’s Confessional

Cash inviting me out to lunch is odd, but I’ve been hearing around that she is speculating that I had something to do with this, when I clearly didn’t — but this sit-down can either make or break things for are “friendship” if it is one.

The camera cuts back to Cash, putting her phone down and crossing her legs.

Cash: Hello, I think it’s best if we cut straight to the chase. I can’t even say im disappointed because I don’t know you enough to be disappointed in you. I’m angry as fuck that you claim you want to get to me, when I’m hearing you knew information about this drugging and you held it from me! This could’ve been the year we got to know each other, but you shitted on that entirely!

Riley: Hold on Cash! Hold on, Honestly it’s no need for you to be. Disappointed in me, I had no knowledge of the rumor even being about you for one, the information that I was told is that it was about me and another person in the group, did I assume it was you? Absolutely not, because we all know damn well you would not ever let anyone drug up EVER!

Cash: Kehlani told me that a woman told the both of you what happened. Is she lying? Because it’s fucked up that I’m hearing all these things second hand. She dabs her eye with a tissue.

Cash’s Confessional

At this point who the hell is lying and who is telling the truth? I don’t know what to believe.

Riley: Excuse me, WHAT! I’m going to be upfront with you about this entire situation, when I met up with my “friend” of many years she relayed the message saying that Toni and Ciara had a dinner at a restaurant and this was the topic of conversation, she said i was named in it, and so was someone in this group, she never told me who the name was, I got upset and left, because why would my friends try to drug me, at that point in time I wasn’t thinking of no one else in the group!

Riley’s Confessional

I am so sick of having to talk about this situation, when everyone else had knowledge of it, mainly Ciara, and Toni who is not here!

Cash: And you didn’t think to bring that up to the group?! You knew the conversation pertained to someone in our “sisterhood” but didn’t say anything?!

Riley: At that point in time, I wasn’t talking to anyone in the group, and if I did decide to bring it up in the “sisterhood”, I would’ve been held to the fire for even accusing someone of that — it would’ve been all on me to even handle the situation in that moment.

Cash: I’m not gonna lie, this sounds like a bunch of bullshit excuses. You were the first person to know about this it seems and you didn’t say anything? Instead of getting to the bottom of this you wanted to save face?

Riley: Cash what did you want me to do? I have to protect myself, before I come and protect all of you! I didn’t even believe the words that were coming out of her mouth, so why would I come into the group and bring the situation up all over again.

Cash: Clearly you’re only looking at this from one perspective. What the fuck would’ve happened to you had you said people in this group are conspiring to drug someone? You’re a woman first , and had the roles been reversed I WOULDVE brought it to the group. That’s on me for thinking too highly of the women in this group.

Riley: They accused me of doing drugs also, Cash! We all have different perspectives of what another would do! I didn’t bring it up because it wasn’t relevant to the groups dynamics until Ciara brought it up in Atlanta.

Cash: YOU KNEW ABOUT IT PRIOR TO ATLANTA. Ciara didn’t even bring it up! KEHLANI did! If Kehlani wasn’t in this group I wouldn’t even have known. If it was about Kaydee, Zara, or Gaby, no one would’ve known.

Cash’s Confessional

It’s clear I’m wasting my breath trying to get Riley to see my point. This helps me understand the level of friendship I truly have with this group of women. We see each other. And that’s for everyone.

The scene changes back onto an aggravated Riley, sighing and blowing.

Riley: CASH IT WASN’T MY PLACE! IT WAS NOT! I had knowledge of it, never had knowledge of it being about you, if I did I would’ve came to you first hand, because we were growing a friendship.

Cash: I think I understand for myself where I stand in this group. I’m not even upset with you anymore, this feels like a fever dream honestly.

Riley: I see where you’re coming from, I do. I wish this was never even said or brought into this group or discussion, I truly loved getting to know you over these last few months, and I hope that this doesn’t break the friendship we are building.

Cash: I hope that too. It’s time for me to head out so we’ll talk again soon.

She grabs her purse and tissue, she begins to head out of the lounge without looking back. The camera gets a shot of Riley standing up and getting her things together as the scene ends.

As the scene changes we get shots of the traffic going on downtown Los Angeles, people walking and we get a shot of a studio, cameras zooms inside.

‘That’s So Kaydee’ Stage Set

We gets shots of Kaydee wrapping up her talk show as her fans are heard clapping, she is seen walking off stage.

Kaydee: That was a segment today honey.

Kaydee’s Confessional

Surprise! I officially have my own talk show. This has been a process I’ve been working on privately for quite some time. I am a firm believer in not telling folks my goals because some people do have the power to kill it. So here we are!

Kaydee’s Daughter (Alaura) and ex-husband (Damien) are seen walking in her dressing room.

Alaura, Damien

Damien: Kay! I am so proud of you! You finally living out your true dreams, like mannn you spoke on all this when we were in college and it’s finally come to light.

Alaura: Yeah ma. I am super proud of you. This is dope! I can now tell my baby that her grandma is a talk show host as well.

Kaydee: Y’all are about to make me cry! I cried like serval times this week all damn ready I’m trying to save this makeup for dinner later. She laughs. I truly do it for you all. Yes we have money and we’re successful already but anything can happen and I want to ensure my family is straight if I was to leave here tomorrow.

Damien. I don’t want you to ever feel like you have to handle it all by yourself. You can let some things go. I am back around I am here to help Kay. Alaura is back home from school we are about to be grand parents we can do this thing together.

Kaydee’s Confessional

All my life I spent it on ensuring others was straight. I think it’s time for me to check in with me! I have my own talk show now I have a grand baby on the way. Apart of my growth and the peace of my mind I had to let Marcus go. Damien has took the step to move to Bel Air with me to take care of our family. No we’re not together but we are co-parenting in the meantime.

Alaura: Well ma ‘That’s So Kaydee’ is your next child. Something’s you have to be willing to let go to be able to fully take care of all YOUR babies. Something that’s yours.

Damien: She’s right Kay! Your legacy starts here. In this building filming this show. Raising our beautiful baby girl.

Kaydee: Since I lost Eryss it’s been hard to let things go. I constantly work you know to keep my mind off of her not being here. We gathered here and she’s supposed to be here sharing this moment with us.

The camera shows Kaydee and her family getting emotional, next they are seen hugging.

Alaura: Let’s not be sad today, let’s be proud mom — Can we go ahead and get something to eat?

Kaydee: Sure girl, come on let’s go!

Kaydee is heard laughing; The three as seen walking out of the dressing room and the screen goes black.

Two Days Later

A blog and an announcement is seen coming across the screen.

The camera all cut to the women’s confessionals and their reactions.

Cash’s Confessional

Am I surprised Kaydee quit? No. She’s definitely voiced how she felt about certain things to me behind the scenes. It’s a little weird she quit in the middle of the season but if it’s for the best then I wish her well!

Zara’s Confessional

I’m totally at shocked right now. I really wished she would’ve stayed and checked Ciara — But at the same time, she seemed like she has a lot going on in her life. We all have to do what’s best for us. I wish her nothing but the best. Love ya girl!

Kehlani’s Confessional

Is it really my place to have an opinion on her leaving the show? No. I understand her completely — But I thought this was Season 4, not five..

Ciara’s Confessional

Isn’t this the same girl that was at the table in Atlanta saying ‘I’ll be here after you.’ I’m not surprised she’s gone, after you turn a certain age stuff that you can do it limits, the woman only has a few good years left in her. She should enjoy them.. off the show.

The camera cuts to Kaydee’s final confessional.

Kaydee’s Confessional

Since the loss of my daughter last year I’ve been digging myself in holes that’s taking me away from my family. The group of girls I surround myself with doesn’t bring me any good. I lost my voice in this group and the respect from these young ladies isn’t present anymore. Real Housewives of Bel Air will always be apart of my heart as it did pick me up when I fell but I lost my footing. It’s time the show reach a different stage and hopefully the girls actually build a friendship with one another. So therefore Dr. Kaydee Kimes is signing out for good. She blows a kiss, and is scene stepping out of her green screen.

